Thursday, February 23, 2006

Yesterday Revisited & The Diary of Anne Frank

It's been a while since I came to blog on two consecutive days. I just spelled consecutive with a 'q' in the middle, and kept wondering why the word looked wrong! So cheers to my state of mind!

But here I am, on a second consecutive day, blogging my heart's worth. I wonder, what people did before there was blogging? Well they wrote in their diaries. Heck even I've tried doing that. I remember I started in 7th grade, right after I read the "Diary of Anne Frank" (rare admission, I cried). But somehow that was difficult to do.

It's not always possible to have your diary with you when the mood strikes to let it out. I guess it worked for Miss Frank because she was confined to a small apartment, or was it the attic? I guess I need to read it again. But yes I do remember losing interest in eating for a while after I'd read that. Even Kit Kats didn't appeal to me for a while (ok, not for a long while, but definitely for a while). Back to what I was trying to say. So with a diary there's always this requirement to have it with you when you need it, and trust me, if you carry something around with you everywhere you go, there'd be lots of interested parties in the content. Now a laptop, now that's an exception to the rule. Specially if you do what I do. You are always expected to carry it with you. And hence the perfection of this science called blogging!

See now I can hook up whenever I want to say something, or even if I can't connect to the wonderful world of the internet, I can always write something down in one of the many word documents I have floating in my machine, and then post whatever I feel like posting when I can go online.

But the real reason that I'm back here today (yeah, like you really need a reason, I mean all you need is some free time at work) is to elaborate on what I was talking about yesterday.

See Miss Frank lived in the 40's, and her life that I am sure would have been full of enormous possibilities was cut short by the insanity of one man. Fast forward more then 60 years, and tell me what's changed?


Think again!


The way I see it, now we not only have to cope with the insanity of one person, but with the insanity of countless maniacs. Who've all somehow managed to secure places in the world hierarchy where they can effect our lives by a single sentence they utter.

See now we're just ending lives that I'm sure are as filled with enormous possibilities as was Miss Frank's. Sometimes we do it in the name of God, sometimes in the name of land, sometimes in the name of democracy. But in the end, that's what we're doing.

I think murder is deplorable in all way and forms . But somehow I can understand why one of the two people who know each other, hate each other or even love each other may decide to go the way of Dirty Harry, and pull the trigger. But I can't understand how an individual can enlist into what is essentially a boot camp, and after 4 months there walk over to some border far off, and pull the trigger on someone s/he doesn't even know!

Why would you do that? Did you ever think that maybe if you were made to sit in a bar with the person you just pulled the trigger on, and allowed to talk for just 5 minutes, you might have ended up the truest of friends. Friends who pass the test of time and situation! But no, you just pulled the trigger on someone, because they taught you to do that in the boot camp...

Miss Frank, I know the worst possible form of horrible happened to you, but you were contending with the madness of an individual, while we're coping with the senselessness, the inanity of society as a whole! In your time the whole world realized the inhumanities in the actions of the mad man, whereas in my time, the whole world has transformed into a mad man.

Jonie Mitchell's dog eat dog comes to my mind...

I'm very sorry for what happened to you, Miss Frank, but I am glad that you weren't born into this era...

In this time of freak decisions, and rapid professing of love lost forever, I just want to sit for a while and breathe. Breathe an air that doesn't smell of innocence lost, never to be found again.

So Miss Frank, while you wrote in your diary, we blog. And while your diary was recovered (by your father who who survived I believe), our blogs will probably be lost forever. And to tell you the truth, I have no idea how many Anne Frank's were lost in this incessant desire to enforce our rights and wrongs on everyone out there.

We don't live in a society that's improved! We have invented instant coffee and forgotten how to enjoy a cup of coffee. We have taken our healthcare nearly to a point where we can even battle death looking it in the eye, but we've forgotten how to value life...

Let's all just sit down and listen to Sinatra sing "strangers in the night", and let our nights be places where strangers can meet and where magic happens...ahh hope, a fool's hope, but hope nonetheless...

Maybe later.

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