Friday, January 13, 2006

WHOOSH...was that Eid that just passed us by? Eid was a breeze. Well it just seems like yesterday when I was sitting in my cubicle, packing up, readying myself to leave my workplace for three whole days! Eid-ul-Adha break. Leaving work, the three days seemed like a while, time enough to get through the qurbaani, mingle with the family, sit with some friends, and get some alone time, where I can just lie down and indulge myself in the latest addiction (namely Scrubs) on my laptop.

Or so I thought!

Well the first day of my mini vacation started really early, Eid was the next day and I still hadn't gone out to get me a goat. So Mr. Fraz got up early, had nothing for breakfast, not even the obligatory cup of tea, and away he went. Well the whole day was spent in the goat market, from goat seller to goat seller, trying to find a nicely sized goat at a good price. Did I not say that a barely year old goat this year cost about the same as a fair sized car installment. Well come evening, and the task was accomplished. I had finally found a goat I liked and was driving home with it in the back seat of my car. Well for the inexperienced at goat buying, lemme just say that driving alone in the car with a goat freaking out in your back seat is quite the experience. But apart from a couple of goat sneezes on my neck apart, the ride was fairly smooth. I just had to pull over twice to drive some sense in my goat (to the laughing out loud pleasure of little girls in cars passing by)!

By the time I got home, I was so exhausted that the getting of goat food was left to my father, and I headed down to my bed, but sleep was never on the cards. See when you exhaust yourself beyond recovery, the human body refuses to go to sleep. So I moved around in a full blown zombie mode.

Before I knew it, it was 7 am the next day and the alarm to get up for Eid prayers had gone off. So forcing myself to the shower, and then into my newly stitched Eid clothes, I was standing in the mosque, going through the Eid prayers (and I only went into rukuh once, when I should've stayed up in qayyam). After the Eid prayers it was the obligatory hugging Eid mubaraks to all the people I could see and didn't know. Which was then followed by the butcher hunt for the qurbaani.

But as soon as the butcher arrived (who by the way was in more demand than the latest Angeline Jolie movie), all sense of time and taking it easy evaporated. I didn't even know it and the qurbaani was done, meat divisioned and about 20 members of the family over at our place. And well do I have to say it...guess not.

Again bed time came early morning, and the next day (the same day as a matter of fact) I was off to visit my inlaws. Needless to say I came back late late at night, and well before I knew it, my alarm clock was going off and it was 7 am.

Time to get up, get a shower and race off to work.

So even though I did make time for family, a brief visit to some friends in between, and for the goat, the alone time with my favorite sit-com on my notebook...well that's just a sweet sweet dream, a dream I look forward to, and a dream that perhaps is the driving force behind my going on thorugh the day!

But hey, just spoke to my program manager and I'm off to home early today, but guess what, to my aunt's place, where hopefully with all the madness I'll find time to watch some cricket and enjoy Pakistan cashing in on the good start...

Eid mubarak everyone!

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