Thursday, February 25, 2010

Say much...

Talk about the death of thoughts...or the magical moment in the cosmos where you have thoughts to put to the proverbial paper, and the time to actually do so. I think it would be a little extreme to say that there have been no thoughts in over a year. That would actually be sad, more then anything else...and a complete submission to the gods of compliance and work force slavery.

A lot's happened in this past one year, and a lot of it is waiting to happen, like you can see something as you approach the corner. Kind of like vaporized breath.

Priorities in the ever changing glade keep doing what they do...change.

Maybe I will visit sooner this time, and then, maybe I won't.

I guess music inspires me, and today it was a weird little song from this French actress / singer / disappointee called "I'll kill her".