Sunday, February 13, 2005

Welcome back

We never give a flu or a cold much importance in our lives, they're like those uncles who you meet every other wedding you attend. Whose hands you shake warmly, with big and nearly honest smiles, and then move on. Most probably to the table that's serving the pudding! Well this past week I was hanging out with both the uncles, cold and flu, accompanied by their school chum, the fever. This was perhaps the most elaborate rendezvous I've had with them. I am sure my mother would have some horrid memories of some encounter I had with them as a toddler, but this is the one for me as far as my memory is concerned. Which isn't really something to brag about, memory I mean, to site an example a friend of mine sent me back a substantial amount of money, saying she owed me that money, and I still don't remember how, why, when or where!

Three cheers for me...

So finally today I said farewell to these uncles, and dragged myself to work, and dragged myself in nearly the literal sense. Amazing how lazy you can get with just 3 days on the bed. Couple that with the re-runs of all your favorite shows (there was even a special of Mork and Mindy), and you never want to leave! O I wanted so much to just break the alarm clock and go back to my dreams in techni-colour (for a change)! And another good change was the smell of the morning air, and only the people who've breathed in it would know how refreshing that can be.

Who am I kidding, I'd still have preferred to be in my room, just surfing channels and catching Sienfeld and Mork&Mindy re-runs...

So what've I accomplished since last time I blogged:
1) Desert Safari (fun at place, like dune bashing and camel rides)
2) Full recovery from viral infections (a craze in changing weathers)
3) Before Sunset (a complete post shall be dedicated to that)
4) Other movies that I really wanted to see, Sideways, Black, etc (all good, very good)

The rest of my world, well the whole family is busy with the wedding preparations, Alina I'm sure is on the verge of going nuts, balancing the wedding and her semester, Aijaz on cross-roads of a major decision, Shaan chilling out in Khi and probably still wondering what he's doing there, Shah g learning the ropes in Australia, and Babar, well we both know how we feel, so...

Next time!

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