Friday, June 01, 2007

Some Thoughts & Weekend Plans

I friend of mine put up a very interesting post about the differences in generations and her near disgust at the "me" generation...and I have been thinking about it.

There is definately a huge difference between our generation and theirs, I for the life of me cannot understand why Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and all their crop are famous. For me they're just an extended definition of mediocre to no talent. But then I think this is a phase. I am sure we had our share of popcorn stars that disappeared just as soon as they arrived conquering everything.

It took me quite some time to realize the musical genius of Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, etc.

It took me even more time to realize that the world actually goes beyond my personal needs and desires. That there is a whole world out there that needs the basic things that I don't even take for granted, for you must be aware of something to take it for granted.

It was a tricky ride through the teens and early twenties and only now, when the thirties are smiling their big toothless smile at me, that I begin to realize the magnanimity and utter insignificance of my selfish existence. Yes there are people starving in Africa, yes there are people dying by the truck loads in the middle east, and there is this growing indifference to life, and we are practically killing our planet (buy another truck chummy). All of these things are more important then me, and all of us, for they are "about" us, and what we leave for the generations in the future. I guess I always felt about them, and cared for them at some secondary level, but it's only now that I actually try and do something about it!

I just hope that the "me" generation would grow out of the fat jokes and the never ending focus on being cool, and grow into people aware of what's around them, and let that direct their "me" usual, I am hopeful, you can never take that away from me.

OK, so I am planning to leave work a little early to kick off the weekend I've been looking forward to it ever since I got here. The plan is to head to Myrtle Beach, SC to join in on the summer festivities that are beginning this weekend!

So the idea is to pick Naufal up from the airport, take him around the Raleigh downtown (which I am sure will be a surprise for him as he hails from New York), and then leave for Myrtle Beach early tomorrow morning. I guess for the first time I have taken a lot of time to plan a weekend to maximize the time I have at my desposal, you know, booking a nice hotel on the beach, shortlisting the good restaurants, finalizing the beach activities I'd like to take part in, and looking up the night life in the South Carolina fishing town.

The only thing going against me is the Yahoo weather forcast, rain and thunderstorms over the weekend, and I am just sitting here, hoping against hope that for once they're wrong for the good...

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