Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bad news

For the last month and a half, I've been extra-ordinarily lazy. Ever get the feeling of being always tired, no matter how much or how little rest you get. And frankly I'm quite sick of it. Alright I love to just lie down and relax with a good book or a movie, but I want to feel fresh doing that. Couple that with a series of not so good news.

I mean how're you supposed to digest the fact that your best friend at 29 is diagnosed with sugar, and would be spending the rest of his life a diabetic! That's just not fair. There was a time when a piece of news you got was of a new bike, an admission into a dream university, reciprocation of that youthful true love, oh I can just go on with this list. And somehow "news" now has turned into the discovery of being diabetic. It's not the bad news I'm bitching about, but the fact that there's nothing much that you can do to help out, and you end up going into hiding because you wouldn't know how to react appropriately. I mean getting into an accident is bad news, but tolerable as long as you know that you can help out in the "nursing back to health" process.

But I'm sure like all great lessons, it would be learned how to behave and all that comes with it. O how I wish I could do something meaningful to help. Like finding out why the damn body stops producing something like insulin, and then maybe finding out how to get it back to producing it again!

See news like this affects you in so many selfish and altruistic ways. I can't even begin to explain all that. But the real fuck up is that nothing would be the same again. No matter what they say about life taking its own form and moulding you with it, it would never be the same again. There's always going to be something at the back of all minds concerned, whenever an ice cream is ordered, or the body bruised. O how I want to take this away, and make it all disappear into thin air, even the bare memory of it.

But hey I haven't got it all that bad, compare me to the guy who got the sugary news, he has to live with that brave persona, and laugh it off every single time! Or his wife, who has to make sure that everything is balanced from this day forth. Worst yet the parents, who probably feel that it's their turn to catch an ailment here and there, but not their kid, who's supposed to be at the peak of physical and mental fitness. Oooooo the irony of it all. I mean it's always when you find out about something like this, you realize that you've left all your cigarettes in the car! Laugh it off up there!

And then there are always the always gleeful pieces of shit (myself included) who want everyone to look at the bright side, and who always find one. I mean fuck off, you can't just term a side bright because it isn't as dark as another side. So take your happy faces and shove 'em! That's as much directed to me as to that cheerful ass on the road, asking humanity to smile!

But then I guess it would be like this hence forth, the new "normal" so as to say. The latest version of "right" in this version driven age of information!

"Smile, you're no more on Candid Camera, and oh yes, you're diabetic. Now don't worry, just never eat anything you want to eat and you'd be fine. O and also don't fall down or bruise yourself, and come on! You'd be just fine..."

O this is so fucking messed up! How about the old lady on the moon singing me a song now.

Gar kay dushwaar hay har kaam ka aasaan hona
Aadmi ko bhee moassar naheen insaaan hona

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