Friday, June 09, 2006

The kickoff

So finally the 2006 World Cup is underway. As expected Germany crushed Costa Rica, but to be honest the game wasn't as one-sided as I expected it to be. Just says that I have to go eons on the road to football wisdom. But my favorites remain the same. For me, it's going to be a Brazil-Italy showdown on the ninth day of July! But my dark horse of the tournament are Ivory Coast. I am sure that if they get out of their Group (with Argentina and Holland), they would at least make it to the last four.

It's quite shocking how diluted the World Cup impact is in the States. This morning, in a conversation with a co-worker I said, "So the world cup's finally begun", and his response was "Huhn?", and I said, "Well the football world cup...I mean soccer world cup...", to which his response was, "Well this is Hockey country..." and that was that. much for my plans to be part of some football (no I will not call it Soccer) hooliganism! But there's hope. At least 3 guys in the office worked from home today, and guess why that was...

I have been in an unusually great mood these last few days. I guess weather has a great effect on me, and it's been great. Specially today, it's one of those picture perfect days that come around a few times in a life time, where something special always happens. So far it's been ordering the wrong lunch, getting into a little spat with the wife, and missing the opening ceremony. But I have hope, the day's just too great to not pick up. So I sit on, waiting for my miracle.

It's the kind of a day on which Raphael painted, the guy whose paintings were so perfect that they some how seemed unreal (to me at least)! The sun's out, a light breeze is blowing, and the temperature is just perfect to sit outside, and heck, maybe even have a bar-be-que! I guess I'll just find my way to some Brazilian steak house tonight.

Saw this wonderful little movie the other day called "The Puffy Chair". I believe it was an entry into the Sundance festival, and was probably made on a month's salary, but it was just one of those films about the journey which just make you want to make movies. It's incredible how rare this sort of cinema has become. Hey I don't mind the X-Men's last stand, I am actually really looking forward to the new Superman movie, but every once in a while, just give us these little gems, that make you sit through the end titles. As Mastercard says...priceless!

So let's see what this weekend has in store for me...I've taken on this habit to drive away and get lost somewhere, and then get directions from all gas stations on the road to make my way back.

Have a nice weekend!

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