Friday, June 23, 2006

My mind wanders... another week whizzed past me. It was the same amalgam of work, rest, restlessness, and brief encounters with insanity. And I am looking at another weekend, about two and a half days of really nothing to do. Away from home, and living out of your suitcase in a hotel, you learn to live with that quite efficiently. A rhythm is found, and is slowly practiced into routine, and eventually a life-style.

I have dedicated a few posts to how I am sick of the routine, and a scheduled procession of affairs that repeat themselves like night after day. But if I really do hate that, how do I keep finding myself in a procession of repeatable, mundane acts that formulate my days and nights, and eventually my life. If I really look for excitement, and the satisfaction of not knowing what the next moment may bring, why don't I, as Nike says, Just do it!

But then how does the adventurer feel about his life? Does he not feel that the constant of excitement in his life has become a routine thing...

I think we as a species relish in routines and our dissatisfaction. And combine these two qualities and you have the 21st century man. Always bickering and blaming everyone from God to the roach infestation in the kitchen cabinet.

I have always found myself at places around the globe, where I wouldn't generally expect to find myself. I've lived in a foot of snow, scorching deserts, the comfort of small towns, and the madness of metropolitan centers. Yet, in all these varied places, I have discovered routines and followed them, like a zombie at times. These routines have varied from place to place, as if out of the lives of completely different and un-related people. Some commonalities throughout though, like a good book, and fairly recently, this blog. From what I've seen, I guess the place you inhabit defines you as a person, you live by the unspoken rules that govern that particular pie of the world. You discover things you like doing under those rules, and find the things you have to do to get by, that you eventually become indifferent to.

For instance would I be thinking these very thought at this very moment, if I were on the opposite end of this globe? But that's an unfair question, whose answer is always limited by circumstance.

The purpose of this diatribe is not to reach any conclusion or even a satisfactory moment, but just to document how I feel right now. At this very moment. But even this moment is governed by where I am in life, philosophically, theologically and most importantly (based on what I see it right now) geographically.

In all our efforts to break free throughout our history, we have always found ways to bind ourselves to principles and rules that dictate our existence. Be it the creation of a religion, or Nietzsche and his existentialism, or the geographic divisions we put up, these have all been in so many ways, ways to formulate rules to command our lives.

I guess it all boils down to relativity. Be it that you lead your life by principle, or lead it by breaking all are in effect just obeying principles, just principles of different natures...

Have a nice weekend!

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