Monday, December 26, 2005

To all the things I overlooked

One thing that fascinates me is how the things, moments, and people I overlook in the pursuit of my latest obsessions, come back to me and become so integral to my life. By contrast how the things, moments, and people I pursue with all my might somehow fade away into nothing. And now when I think about this specifically, I can pinpoint numerous such things, moments, and people who I can put into either one of these categories.

I've gone through high school, college, university collecting things and wasting them, remembering them and forgetting them. And now I can remember so many things that were in my life, but are no more, and I want them back so much, but to no avail. It's just a bitter pill to be swallowed. Like a soldier who loses a limb at war, comes back, regrets his loss and moves on, with whatever he's left with.

Memories on the other hand are simpler to manage, yet so much more complex. I'm sure that with proper levels of concentration I can trace back all the major and the not so major moments in my life back to when I was a toddler. There are so many moments that I've laid to rest in the farther crevices of my mind, many probably lost to eternal hibernation. And then there are memories that haunt me day in and out. That flash past my eyes unannounced, without any sort of proper or improper warning. And when I come out of these flashes, I'm out of sync with whatever I was doing, and then the desperate effort to get back online. So many memories that stayed with me are of moments that I deemed of no consequence, yet they've grown to be a part of my definition. And all those moments I thought would be the moments to cherish and fall back upon in times of trouble, are just lost or even if they're not lost, remembering them doesn't trigger any strong emotion.

It's like remembering how the dimple on a person's face was shaped, and forgetting the face alltogether. Or remembering a particular peice of inconsequential jewellery the love of your life wore on a similarly inconsequential day, and forgetting all about her. Am I actually making any sense? I really don't know.

Finally the people. The trickiest of all the overlooked classifications. So many friends I made, so many enemies, and so so many people I ignored all throughout. And so many people that I overlooked, who've somehow entered back into my life, or I, theirs, and we've gelled all over again. I'm grateful to all these people for ignoring what an asshole I'd been all the time they knew me.

I guess one of the major reasons we get along with the people we ignored a long time ago and meet after a while is that "sort of" connection we share. It's knowing that this person saw me when I was a whatever, and I knew this person. And look what the sands of time have done to us...

So above all, here's to all the people I overlooked in my stupidity, and who've re-entered my life, adding more and more value to it everyday, and also to those I overlooked and yet haven't made an entry into my life, but will definately do so when they feel the time is right, and my vision broad enough to appreciate them for the fabulous people they are...

Take care!

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