Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A conversation I had with myself recently

"So where are you going?"

"In search of the new and the unknown."

" Hah...where is this new and unknown?"

" someplace I haven't been before."

"But why the search for the new and the unknown, why not the comfort of the tried and familiar?"

"Human nature I think."

"But isn't human nature finding comfort in familiarity?"

"Well...if that was true then we would still be stuck in the stone age."

"How can you say that?"

"Well that was the familiar then, but it was the quest for the unknown that took us from there to central air..."

"But if that is human nature, then how do you ever settle down?"

"I never said we ever find peace in settling down?"

"You know, finding that perfect other, falling in love, settling down...the whole shebang..."

"If that were the case, then all the great love stories wouldn't have been tragedies."

"There must be some great love stories with your typical rom-com ending..."

"Yes, but all your rom-coms end where life begin! Name one great love story that went to a complete conclusion with that sort of an ending...better yet, no need to search for a great love story with that kind of an ending, name one person you know who found the perfect other and settled down happily ever's always moving on in search of something new and unkown followed by that!"

"So what does that mean?"

"Nothing I guess...eventually all of us feel the killer need to settle down in the comfort of what we are familiar with, but our instinct says otherwise..."

"In other words...we're fucked aren't we?"

"I guess...but whatever man!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting.... i used to wonder if i am the only one having this conversation in my head.... its all about realizing this