Monday, December 13, 2004

Wow! How long has it been? Exactly seven months since I last came over. On my first post I remember mentioning that this is the place where I'd come to pour out the overrunning thoughts! My place to come to peace with this world. I hope that doesn't mean I've had no thoughts for the last 7 months (blonde jokes anyone!)...

Well hopefully it's not that, but let's just say, I've had stuff happening that had me distracted, and thanx to the ever deteriorating state of my (f$%^ing) mind, I eventually forgot that I even had a blog...tch tch tch...such a touching story.

Well I really don't have the strength - which I feel is really just reserved for watching movies, reading a book here and there, and meditating (about Salma Hayek of course) - to go into all the details. Let's just say that I am still in the same continent, and everything else has changed. But don't get too excited, by everything I don't mean that I've stopped losing hair, hey, that's still on its way out! But new country, new job, new room (not yet there to call it home), and new everything. Just the perversions, confusions, and uncertainties remain the same. And as usual, none of this change was planned (by me atleast), and just happened, and I just followed course.

Referring to the piece of poetry Aijaz (who used to be Ejaz) directed to me...

Pat-jhar kee dehleez pay bikhray, baychaaray pattoan kee soorat
Hum ko saath liyay phirtee hai, teray dheyaan kee taiz hawa...

And "teray" being God, and I guess He (ok, ok, or She) has been taking me from place to place, and I just follow orders like the leaves (that fall in autumn) follow the orders of the wind...but that has a good feeling to it, I mean not a lot of tension to it...

So some confessions..."there is no place like home", starting to make sense to me now, "Pakis rule!", I'll be a true, comprehensive patriot by the time I go back (if I go back that is), and SHAH G, I am so damn fucking sorry for not getting in touch with you before returning to Dubai (o and that's where I am now)...Hopefully I'll make up for it someday. But given my current state of mind, I really don't know when (and if) I'll be able to do that!

Well let's not burn out this newly renovated passion to blog now all in one go, even though I think I can just keep going right now...

Till next time then...Hah!

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